The team behind the DIGITClue project presents one of the results of their joint work, the 2in1 Handbook. The idea for “Two in one” Handbooks was developed with the purpose of adapting it to end users, in such a way that the users themselves choose the content they want to read. By doing so, they create their own way of exploring and woring with the content, regardless of their prior knowledge. One of the reasons for this approach is the fact that the project covers different educational contexts (in the project countries) for which the Handbook was prepared. The basic idea of the DIGITClue project is to provide teachers, as well as those who are about to become teachers, with skills, knowledge, and tools to implement interactive technologies and ICT-based e-learning technologies with the intention of creating and improving conditions for inclusive teaching. Inclusion of teachers with special needs, multilingual teachers or hard-to-reach teachers working in remote and marginalized areas was one of the starting points of this project, i.e. with the Handbook we offered materials that can be used in every step of the development and delivery of teaching materials.
This comprehensive Train the Trainer Manual for teacher educators should equip them with contents (chapter 3), didactical methods for teaching digital inclusion. University staff will be able to be trained with this Manual to apply and teach with the recommended Software Applications and didactic tools (chapter 4) developed in the project DigitClue. It will enable/help them to enhance their work with pre-service and in-service teachers with regards to digital literacy and inclusive pedagogy. The interdisciplinary team that worked on this project, has been challenged by the question what can be useful knowledge for teachers. Generally, new strategies are needed to incorporate new ideas, approaches, and definitions into curricula and schools (Schensul, Gonzalez Borrero, & Roberto, 1985) and science sometimes lacks the innovative ideas to implement theory into diverse fields of practice. Many anthropologists work in practice or combine the work in theory and practice. Especially ethnography is a good method, also in schools, to explore a variety of topics and problems. Being trained in the method of (auto)ethnography is valuable for practice. It teaches one to withhold one’s own judgment, to listen more than to just speak, to respect diversity and differences, and to not make conclusions until one has collected data in a long-term immersive process. On the other hand, some scientists gained practice experience before entering into research. This practical experience helped them to later gain positions in the academia. The combination of practice and theory is often an advantage, as they are closely intertwined.