Digitalisation is leading to changes in cooperation. Initial conditions are changing rapidly in all sectors, also in Europe. How can we reach the target groups of education? Which formats are sustainable and also economically feasible? Which developments can we consciously address? Teachers and learners are currently gaining experience with the digital transformation of education on an almost daily basis.
What is it about?
As a first step, users should read the concepts on Digital Transformation from the DigitClue project website, as well as watch or listen to other formats, depending on the example and interest. They should note the most important aspects as well as focus on topics, which are important for their students. After the exercise, the competences in dealing with digital tools should have been expanded or deepened. Furthermore, it should be shown how important participation is in the teaching-learning process and how it promotes (digital) inclusion. The development and engagement with digital teaching and learning formats should generate added value for all participants in the process.
Try it out
Example 1: The process of digital transformation is omnipresent and also influences (high) schools in various areas. The term or the concept is individual in the different dimensions (macro, meso, and micro level) and requires a correspondingly differentiated consideration.
With the help of a padlet timeline, develop a teaching sequence in which you carry out method training, and thus develop the method competence of your students, using these very tools.
Evaluate with your students which and how they use digital media, social media channels, and similar formats in their free time by creating a mindmap. For example with the use of the app MindMup.
Reflect with your students, to which extent the amount of their use affects their everyday life, and what consequences, positive and negative, may arise from it. Put all the findings on the mind map.
Example 2: The school lives not only from its institutional framework, but above all from its students. The younger generation in particular is the driving force for a digital transformation not only in the use of end devices but also in the development and participation in teaching formats and events.
Develop the school of the future with your students using a ‘future workshop’ where anything is possible. Use the apps Miro or Mural for an effective display.
Then work out with them the framework of the current situation and which of the previously conceived concepts and ideas are now possible.
Think together about what has to happen so that all ideas can come true. Which ones cannot be implemented and why?
Tell your colleagues
Generally, sharing positive and negative experiences of digital inclusion and in particular examples of it in use, helps others to educate themselves and raises awareness. Users should share their experiences with their colleagues and thus increase the reach of the topic. Therefore, the project aims to establish a sharing platform that makes these experiences visible (anonymously) and offers the possibility to exchange projects, materials, ideas, and comments from their own country, but also worldwide. This platform will be available as a “D.I. Map” (Digital Inclusion Map – inspired by the “Queering the Map” project) on the DigitClue project website.
Thinking further
However, the development does not have to and should not end here. The users are encouraged to create their own projects and to adopt other perspectives, which can be chosen freely and vary according to the target group. The goal is a complete education and barrier-free coexistence in the context of (digital) inclusion. With the (further) development of digital formats, a first step has been taken towards more effective inclusion in the analogue and digital spheres. To make this development visible, we invite you to share your experiences with others.
Write a short summary of what it was like 20 years ago and where you think we are now.
What else can happen to make the world (also digitally) more inclusive?