Didactical Tool: Inclusion

In today’s society people are often discriminated against because they do not look or behave according to societal norms. Everything not corresponding to the “norm”, is seen as (too) different and often associated with negative attributes. Lang-Wojtasik & Schieferdecker employ a broad definition of inclusion, as they define it as the right of participation within the society, independent from an attributed or official status. Within this definition, everyone should get the help they need to move forward in life. It is important that the individual does not have to adapt to society, but rather society adapts to the individual. Here, inclusion refers to the unlimited participation in every aspect of society, independent from the individual condition

What is it about?

The basic idea is to create an audio collage, made by the students. The aim is to include children in the teaching process and to show that teachers can also learn something from their students. The topics can be related to Digital Inclusion, but may also differ, which is important for the students to talk about.

Read the concepts about Inclusion and Digital Inclusion on digitclue.net. Note the most important aspects. Concentrate on the concept of the “voice” as a possibility of inclusion. Explain the two concepts as well as the idea of “voice” with the help of a mind map. After that the children should think about and prepare in groups, what they can teach their teachers. It can be any topic they want. It can be something they do at home or a topic which is important to them at the moment. In the next step, the children should present their topics to the teachers and teach them something new. The idea is that children are often not heard in the process of teaching and therefore excluded. Teachers are not only able to teach, but also to learn something in a classroom. With this tool, children should be included in the teaching process and the reciprocity of learning and teaching should be highlighted.

After talking about the individual topics, the children should record their presentations with the audio editor “audiomass”. You can find the program under this link: https://audiomass.co/

With this program you can collect the presentations and ideas from the pupils and make an audio collage out of it. There are two options how it can be realised.

  1. Record the presentations of the children with your smartphone, transfer it to your computer and upload it in the program under button file -> load from your computer. You can string them together and create the audio collage. You can save and download it under the button file -> Export/Download and create a mp3-audio format.
  2. Record the presentations of the children directly with your computer in the program. For this you have to click on the red button in the menu or via the button file -> New Recording. A new window will open, where you have to select Start Recording. When the first group is finished, you can select pause or start a new recording. You can save and download it under the button file -> Export/Download and create a mp3-audio format.

Tell your colleagues

After finishing the steps you can share the audio collage on the website digitclue.net. For this you can upload the created collage on the Digital Inclusion Map on the Website of DigitClue. The D.I. Map is a map of the world, where users can share projects, materials, ideas, and comments on digital inclusion in their own country. 

Thinking further

You now have thought and discussed about inclusion from your own perspective, as well as the perspective of your students. Now we invite you to think about this topic from another point of view. Depending on the context and the situation a person is living in, inclusion can mean different things. Below you can find a list of individuals. Think about how each of them would describe inclusion. What would be important for each of them? Would it be all the same or can you imagine differences?
  1. A Spanish-speaking person, who lives in South Korea
  2. A seven-month-old baby
  3. A dog living at a cat shelter
  4. A woman living in France in the 18th century
  5. A non-binary person
  6. A figure in a video game